Four Steps to Creating a Much Loved Maid of Honor Speech

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Four Steps to Creating a Much Loved Maid of Honor Speech
Wedding speech site that provides great tips and advice on writing the best Maid Of Honor Speech that will surely please the bride.  The tips are given by a former Maid Of Honor who did a lot of research on the subject in order to create the perfect speech. As the maid of honor, you have quite a few responsibilities.

 The time leading up to the wedding can be stressful for you since you are to help the bride remember everything during the planning. The day of the wedding can be a rush of excitement, stress and trepidation. Obviously, you will feel excitement for the bride and groom, stress in making sure you play your part in keeping the ceremony going well, and trepidation over the parts you will play. As the maid of honor and the person closest to the bride, you will be responsible for giving a speech at the reception. The thought of a few hundred eyes trained on you can be terrifying, and the thought of freezing up during your speech can be petrifying.

 However, if you take the time to formulate the speech in advance, you can relieve a great deal of that stress, so that the reception will go perfectly. You can create the perfect maid of honor speech in just four steps. If you follow these, you will know that you can walk into that reception room, calm and collected.

 1. Perhaps the most important thing of all is to not put off writing the speech. While your instinct may be to not even think about it until you absolutely have to, this can be a very big mistake. Think about a time when you put something off, either at work or school. Most likely, waiting until the last minute resulted in a rush job that was awkward and disjointed. This is what will happen with your speech as well. However, the results could be worse. A rushed speech will not only sound rushed, but it will also be impersonal.

2. After you have made the decision to jump on the speech and get started early, then you can move on to the next step. You do not have to write the whole thing down at once. If you try to write the wording exactly from start to finish, you could end up frustrated and with a bad case of writer’s block. The best thing you can do is get a notepad or a notebook. Carry it with you, and when you have a free moment, jot down ideas. You may suddenly remember a funny story from childhood that would be perfect for the speech, and you can write it down. You may hear a quote that suites the couple perfectly, and you can jot it down. After jotting down quite a few notes, you will be able to sift back through them to formulate the speech itself.

 3. Consider the themes you want to include in the speech. Remember that the best decision you can make is to speak with emotion and make sure you do not include generic elements in the speech. You know the bride well, and chances are, you know the groom well too. Use that knowledge to create an emotional and poignant speech. Do not be afraid to use a bit of humor to add interest to the speech. In fact, mixing emotion and seriousness with lighthearted flavor is the answer to a memorable speech.

 4. Create a speech that is substantial, but that is not too long. While you want the words to be meaningful, you do not want to bore your audience by going on for too long. Try to stay within a time limit when you are writing the speech. Do not be afraid to write your maid of honor speech. You do not have to worry about the fear of speech giving if you take the time to follow these steps and create your speech in advance.



Growing up, I was always known as the affluent speaker in my circle of friends. Everyone knows me as someone who can speak to anyone and make a fun and interesting conversation out of nowhere. That is probably why I am always being asked to give speeches at weddings, graduations, and celebrations of other kinds. My specialty is weddings speeches Click Here!


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